Introduction to Feline Dentistry and Oral Surgery

10/20/2023, 7:30AM - 5:00PM

Feline dentistry can be frustrating for some veterinarians. The goal of this course is to help veterinarians get more comfortable with cat dentistry and is for veterinarians only. 

The course curriculum will focus on anatomy, oral pathology, regional anesthesia, a step-by-step approach on extractions and extraction complications. There is a 3-hour lab section of the course will focus on the steps of surgical extraction in cats, including mucogingivial flap design, tooth sectioning, bone removal, use of a dental elevator and luxator, alveoplasty, periosteal releasing incisions, and tension-free closure.

We will cover extraction complications that arise in feline dentistry, including retained roots, mandibular fractures and displaced tooth roots. Additionally, we will review best practices in educating clients about feline dentistry and how to improve client compliance.

There will be two instructors and 1 assistant to ensure that participants will have a high level of attention. Each participant will have a brand-new, sharp, extraction instrument set designed specifically for feline dentistry to use and then take home with them. Magnification is extremely helpful for this course. Please bring your own if you have it. We will provide magnification for those who do not.

This class is RACE approved for 8 hours of continuing education credits.

Cancellation Policy

Due to limited size of classes and the difficulty in filling open slots after payment for a class has been made, we cannot offer refunds for cancellations. If you need to cancel your participation, we will try to find a substitute to take your place. Upon confirmation of their reservations, we will gladly refund your tuition less a 10% administrative fee. Please keep in mind that last minute substitutions are very difficult to fill. We strongly recommend that you purchase trip insurance to avoid the expense of a class cancellation. Trip insurance policies can potentially reimburse you for tuition, cancelled lodging deposits, unused airplane flights and all other trip costs you may have already incurred. Some policies allow cancellation for documented health issues, while others allow you to cancel for any reason.

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Cancellation Policy

In the event you are unable to come to class, we strongly encourage you to find another veterinarian to take your place. If you must cancel, we will attempt to fill your spot. If we are able to find a replacement, we will refund your class tuition minus 10% administration fees. Note, that it can be very difficult to fill last-minute openings. If we are unable to find a replacement, we will not be able to refund your tuition.

Typically, our courses fill to capacity. If a program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollments or unforeseen circumstances, your registration will be fully refunded. Other expenses, including cancellation or change charges assessed by airlines, hotels, travel agencies, or other organizations cannot be refunded, this is the responsibility of the registrant. The registrant will be notified as soon as possible if the class will be canceled. A minimum of 6 registrations will be necessary to hold class.

We recommend that you purchase trip insurance to avoid the expense of a class cancellation. Trip insurance policies can potentially reimburse you for tuition, canceled lodging deposits, unused airplane flights, and all other trip costs you may have already incurred.